Illinois League Rules

Please note the (5) IL AAA organizations will be competing independently this season, therefore HPHL and Eliter Tier 1 rules are not posted.

(Updated September 9, 2023)
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CSDHL rules to note:
• The use of net reinforcements (pegs) to be used at all levels
• All midget levels will have an ice cut in the middle of 2nd period (see table below)
• Face off will be at Center Ice after cut, the 2nd period will effectively split in two as displayed below:
• There will be 1 overtime 3 on 3 for 5 minutes goalies start at farthest net from bench, if no winner at the end of period, game will result in a tie
Chi Catholic HS
(Updated September 19, 2023)
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CCHL rules to note:
• Kennedy Cup games must have a winner, ice cut every 3 periods
• In the event that the score is tied after 3 periods there will be a 5-minute stop time sudden-death overtime where each
team will play 3 on 3. The teams will switch ends in overtime. If the game is still tied after 5 minutes
the game will move to a (1 man minimum) sudden death shootout. The home team has the choice of going first or second
in shootout
• Kennedy Cup games will be played under regulation time rules
Chicago United
(Updated September 19, 2023)
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CUHL rules to note:
Seeding / Regular Season
• If a game is tied after regulation, a 3 round shootout shall take place. No player may shoot more than once in the shootout. If there is no winner after 3 rounds, the game ends in a tie.
• If a game is tied after regulation, a 3 round shootout shall take place. If there is no winner decided, the shootout will continue round-by-round until one team scores and the other does not. Playoff games cannot end in a tie. No shooter may shoot twice in the shootout until all skaters have shot once.
• If a game is tied after regulation, a 10 minute sudden-death overtime period will be played. If the game is still tied after overtime, then the playoff shootout rule will be followed.
IL West HS
(Updated September 19, 2023)
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*5 goals (running clock for duration of game)
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Illinois West overtime procedures
Regular season, Round Robin, and McKeague Semifinals, West Cup Quarterfinals and Semifinals
• 3 on 3 5-minute running clock sudden death overtime period will be used to determine a winner. Overtime is running clock except for Injuries and penalties; clock will restart with puck drop and remain running.
• If after the sudden death overtime, the game is still tied, a sudden death shootout will take place. The home team has the choice to shoot first or last.
• No player in the penalty box at the end of regulation may play in overtime until the penalty is fully served.
• Any player in the penalty box at the end of the overtime may not participate in the shootout.
• No player may shoot twice until all eligible players have shot.
West Cup finals series games and McKeague Cup Championship
• 5 on 5 10-minute sudden death overtime period will be used to determine a winner. Overtime is running clock except for penalties and Injuries.
• If after the first sudden death overtime, the game is still tied, sudden death 3 on 3 10- minute periods will continue until there’s a winner.
• Overtime is running clock except for Injuries and penalties; clock will restart with puck drop and remain running.
North Central HS
(Updated September 19, 2023)
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North Central rules to note:
• No ice cut if goal differential is 5 or more at the end of the 2nd period
(Updated September 19, 2023)
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NIHL rules to note:
Blackhawk Cup overtime procedures
• All games are to be played until a winner is determined. In the event of a tie score at the end of regulation play, the overtime format will be as follows:
For qualifying, double elimination, single elimination and tournament championship games:
The teams will take a two-minute break and proceed to play a 5 on 5 sudden death, overtime period of the same duration as the standard, age appropriate game periods. Teams shall defend the goal further from their respective benches during the first overtime period. If a tie still exists after any overtime period, the teams will take a two-minute break and continue to play sudden death, overtime periods until a winner is determined. The teams will change the goals to be defended after each overtime period.
Overtime contingency procedure
If, in the opinion of a committee comprised of the Tournament Director, the President and a third member of the Executive Board
appointed by the President, the duration of a game must be curtailed; the following procedure is to be followed:
The committee will determine the number of additional overtime periods which are to be played, after which a "shootout" will take
place in accordance with the procedure described in paragraph The decision of the committee will be communicated to the
head coach of each team and the referees no later than the commencement of the last overtime period to be played. The decision of the committee is final with no right of appeal.
Tournamnet consolation games
The teams will take a two-minute break and proceed to play a 5 on 5, sudden death, overtime period of the same duration as the
standard, age appropriate game periods. Teams shall defend the goal further from their respective benches during the first overtime period. If a tie still exists after the first overtime period, the teams will take a two-minute break, change the goals to be defended and play a second 5 on 5, sudden death, overtime period of the same duration. Should a tie still exist after two sudden death periods are completed, a "shootout" shall take place in accordance with the procedure described in paragraph
Shootout procedure
Each team shall designate three (3) shooters who will alternate in shooting on the opposing goaltender in accordance with USA
Hockey rules governing a "penalty shot". Goaltenders shall occupy the goal closest to their team's player's bench for the shootout. The
home team shall have the choice of shooting first or second. Eligible players from each team shall participate in the shootout and
they shall proceed in such order as the coach selects. The team scoring the greater number of goals shall be declared the winner. If,
after 3 shooters from each team have completed their shots, a tie still exists; the shootout will proceed to a "sudden death" format.
No player may shoot twice until every eligible player on their respective team has shot. egardless of the number of goals scored during the shootout portion of overtime, the final score recorded for the game will give the winning team one more goal than its opponent, based on the score at the end of regulation play.
Gold - Silver - Bronze (including 8u)
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Premier Select
The following applies to all levels:
• No OT for regular season, please see notes for Blackhawk cup OT
• 5 goal running clock
• No ice cuts for any divisions / levels
(Updated September 19, 2023)
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Scholastic & Academic HS
(Updated September 19, 2023)
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SHL & AHL rules to note:
• If the score is tied after regulation time, there shall be a two (2) minute intermission, and then the following shall occur:
• Teams switch sides (to defend the goal opposite their bench side) and will play a single sudden death period of five (5) minutes, each team may play three (3) skaters plus a goalie.
• Follow USA Hockey rules for dealing with penalties during a 3 on 3 period.
• If there is no score in the overtime period, there shall be a one (1) minute intermission, goalies will switch sides to the goal on their bench side. A sudden death shootout will occur (as if a traditional NHL shootout started in the third round; if one team scores and the other does not, the shootout is over. Repeat until a winner is determined.
• Players still serving a penalty at the conclusion of the overtime period may not shoot.
• All skaters on a team must shoot before any player takes a second shot
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