IHOA Advanced Development Program ("ADP")

Upcoming Events

  • October 16, 2024 – Zoom Session, Communication
  • November 13, 2024 – Another Evaluation Skate at Willowbrook at 9:10PM-10:10PM
  • November 20, 2024 – Zoom Session, topic TBD
  • December 18, 2024 – Zoom Session, topic TBD
  • January 15, 2025 – Zoom Session discussing playoffs

The Advanced Development Program can offer you a wealth of knowledge and experience that can significantly improve your abilities as an official. It is a fantastic opportunity to learn from some of the most accomplished officials in Illinois.

Please take a moment to review the following prerequisites before submitting an application:

  • Have 3 years of officiating experience (Preferred, but not required),
  • Have Basic/Intermediate knowledge of the USA Hockey rule book,
  • Have a positive attitude and willingness to learn,
  • Possess the basic skills needed to work higher-level games.

In addition, becoming a member of the ADP requires a certain level of commitment. If you are accepted into the program, the following expectations will be placed upon you:

  • Attend 1 monthly classroom sessions Zoom (September through April),
  • Attend one (1) development on-ice session throughout the month (Schedule pending),
  • Participate and act as a mentor to new officials through the IHOA Mentor program,
  • Adhere to all rules pertaining to the Advanced Development Program Code of Conduct 2022-2023,
  • Honor all scheduling assignments during the year.

To get username and password:

Enter your e-mail address in the "Recover your password" box

Click the "Send it to me" button.

You will receive an email with a username/password.

Then log in to reserve your spot for the upcoming session(s).


Please register to attend at (Attendance is free):


How to register for an IHOA Event (Word doc): IHOA Event Walkthrough


**If Ice is scheduled FULL EQUIPMENT is Required**

**Space is limited.**

Thank you for your commitment to USA Hockey and the Illinois Officials Advanced Development Program. We look forward to working with you. Respectfully,

Illinois Hockey Officials Association Development Program Staff

If you have any questions regarding this program or its design, contact Brad Baumruck

Brad Baumruck - Coordinator                          Assigner AHAI – Scheduling

 Scott Gaffney                           Brett Straley

For more information, check out the Facebook page: IHOA Development Program

    Be a part of the    

AHAI Officials Development Program FaceBook page

Evaluate an OfficialComments about an official will go to IHOA and will be reviewed.
Submit Referee Report

Request GamesThe following portal is not managed by IHOA, but the local assigning affiliate of Illinois.
Request USAH Games under AHAI

Submit an ACHA Incident ReportPlease use the following word document to report game misconduct and disqualification penalties.
ACHA Incident Report Document

Amateur Hockey Association IllinoisPlease use the following link to be kept up to date with our local USAH affiliate.

Illinois hockey officials association

comments and questions about the IHOA website to scottgaffney92@gmail.com